Commercial Blog

Finally!!! I get to share it with you all. Mi Gente Que Vola. I am so happy to be back for another week. Throughout the commercial, I inputted parts of my culture. From the way, coffee is usually made to the music incorporated, to the cafe cups imported from Cuba. I thought it was a superb commercial. Some general points of clarification. I used my brothers Raynard Adderly and Raymelle Adderly in some scenes. I also used music from various artists. To be specific "Se te Nota" and " El Hombre de Tu Vida" by Joe Veras. Also, I used "Aceite Agua( Soy Una Guagua)" by Los Confidenciales. It was so much fun from filming to editing. The best part about it all was I got to drink one of my favorite beverages a cafecito. I think the best part about the commercial was filming with my brothers. We shared so many laughs. If you watch the commercial you will see exactly what I am talking about. The goofiness that was reflected in the commercial was just a comedy. Lastly, I really liked doing this it really channeled my the inner filmmaker. 


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