Planning for My Music Video

 `Mi Gente Que Paso! Yes, I changed the greeting to something a bit warmer. I did that to meet the time we are in Thanksgiving. The air is crisp and the food id beginning  to arrive at my house. Also suddenly I am beginning to get a feeling of disgust with how much food I am going to eat. However, you didn't come to hear about all of that. You came to hear about the project. Well, my set is pretty undecided at this point. This is because I can not think of a set idea. I think I will most likely ending up using a pool side, the front of a car, or simply just a park. Everyone will wear some type of white shirt to give a very Miami Vice like vibe.  If the white shirt doesn't work out I plan on having all actors wear something flashy. This will really scream salsa. I also want the Cuban Flag to be front and center as the singer is  a Cuban woman. She too always wore very flashy clothes. This time I too plan on being in the video. So hopefully we have about 12 scenes. I plan on the video being 59 seconds so I can edit and submit. I also plan on having a lot of fun. I plan on trying many different new edits like instead of recording the sound overlaying it and much more. I hope this is fun it seems challenging. Until tomorrow. 


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