Reflection Blog


Mi Gente Que Ai!!! Yes, I did change up the salutation this time. Wow-what a project. From the first blog to the storyboard all the way until its conclusion. This is probably one of the most fun school projects I have ever done! Reflecting back on this project I had so much fun incorporating my culture with a school project. Being a black Cuban sometimes can be an anomaly. This project however gave me an opportunity to debunk the fact it's not an anomaly.  Again the actors were brothers Raynard and Raymelle. I filmed and directed. Also made the cafe!! As I reflect on the intellectual aspect of the project.  I learned to use a new platform Imovie which was pretty easy to use. I also by myself navigated and executed the filming and directing of a Commerical. I also learned to import, drag, and arrange slides. Most importantly, I learned to input font that can go in and go out. This project came with many blogs but I was able to get them all done. 


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