
Showing posts from December, 2020

CCR Blog

  Some things to think about as you reflect: How did you choose the saying? How did you choose the format of the message? What did you learn? What could you do differently? Wow, it seems as if yesterday I started this project and now it has come to a close. I choose my song "La Vida es un Carnaval" because I thought the message was on time and I enjoy the music of Celia Cruz. Furthermore,  as I shared before, I felt it was an opportunity to give the world my culture. It is not very often that Afro- Latinos make the frontpage if it is not for baseball. Actually, most times me saying I am Cuban to most people seems like an anomaly. This music video for me served as a gentle reminder that it i not an anomaly. Outside of the personal message I wanted to send the next portion is the actual message of the song. La vida es un carnaval translates to life is a party.  The song talks about life's ups and downs but through it all life is really what you make it. I framed the


  Finally, the video is complete. I    would  like to thank my brothers for being willing participants this time. I did not have to force them or drag them. I would also like to my mom for her allowing me to      use her car for the filming. We really had a great time . At, the conclusion of the video I shared it with a few friends. They seemed to like the video a lot. Thus, I did the final project and submitted   it. A few updates, I was not able to do the pool scene because it was extremely cold. We had to change to same set different scenes. It was still very successful. I enjoyed this video in particular because I love salsa  music. I could not get more people to make the party look more full. However, I did my very best. Overall, this video is a testament to he effectiveness indivuidual work can have. Each time I work on one of these projects I continue to exapnd my knowledge. I also am an actor so not having to get yelled at by a director and getting to fill that role is a lot of


 Howdy everyone and welcome back. It has been a very cold week here in South Florida. On the bright news  I finally finished my filming and editing. It went really well. The crisp air as very good for the enjoyment of the video. I will tell you this was so  hard to put together because of the restraints but I enjoyed it. I love salsa music but most importantly I love Celia Cruz. She is my favorite Salsa Singer of all time. I again, edited on  Imovie and used different techniques. First, I used a recorded sound and put it in the background of the video. I also added the Cuban flag to the background and added the title slide. It was loads of fun to edit again. I was really fascinated by the font that I used as it gave a very retro vibe. I really liked the 90's look as it the song was created in the 90s. Overall I can not wait for you all to see the final product. Until the next blog. I almost forgot i had a very successful trial this week and I was so happy to see my client get of th

Editing Blog

 Que Bola mi gent . I am so excited to be back with all of you.  I was able to film the first six scenes of the blog. I will reserve the weekend for some filming fun time. Now, to  the editing portion. So, I have began to edit just a little bit. I have added the the very big and elaborate title slide. Each time, I watch the video I just sense the excitement and party vibes from it. I feel that I can record the rest of it tomorrow but if not maybe Monday or Sunday evening I can finish. Going forward with editing though.I would like to have clean video with smoother transitions. However, I feel this video should have little to no transitions. I am going to paly around with different edits and see. I feel like testing different dits would not be a bad idea. Well, I hope too give an update next week sometime. I not before then. Also, it has been pretty cold I have no idea why.    

Filming Blog for Music Video

 Que bola Mi gente! I hope your turkey day and week was as restful as mine. I was cooking up a storm. There was so much food. From turkey to ham all the way to sweet potato pie it was a delicious feast. Now with all this cooking I did not have  chance to film. I will be doing so this week. Now I might have to go with my back up plan as out of the blue it has become extremely cold. I do not think my brothers can go into a pool. It wouldn't be wise at least. However, my sets are ready to go from the pool to the room. It is all ready and my brothers are ready to dance their very best. It is going too be a great time. I have also noticed the longer the video the harder it is to edit and film. There are going to be tonnes of takes and re plays. It is all worth it in the very end. I hope you are not still eating turkey and if you are do something creative with it. My aunt did and it was really good. Maybe I should share the recipe sometime. Until next time stay healthy, warm and safe. Ra