Genre Research: Comedy and Horror

 Hi everyone! Raymond here with another blog. I'm here to talk to you about the conventions of comedy and horror. In horror movies, they are meant to scare people. The movies typically depict antagonists to be murderers or super villains. Whereas In these movies there are typically not protagonists.  Most times they use Ambient sound and non-diegetic sound. dark lighting is frequently used to set an eerie mood. Horror movies are the scariest most films. Some however have exceptions to traditional character roles. Comedy is another family favorite. It is intended to make people laugh. There are different genres within comedy. They can be funny or scary comedies. It usually has high lighting and lots of ambient sounds. Comedies observe the deficiencies, foibles, and frustrations of life, providing merriment and a momentary escape from day-to-day life. There are usually no good vs evil themes. I hope this was informative and looking forward to the next one. Next time on the Raymond show. 


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