Genre Research : Thrillers 12

 Hola todos! I decided first to look up thrillers. Thrillers are great for family night and all around great movies. From research, I learned that not only are they usually involve a lot of excitement. They give people risk free thrills. The object of thriller is o invoke an emotion of chill and not understanding what is going to happen next. Common conventions include, dark lighting, ambient sounds, and all of this is used to create the feel. There is always both a protagonist and antagonist.  This is to complete the theme of good versus evil. It gives audiences someone to hate and someone to love. There also are the obligatory scenes that you  find in almost every single thriller film. Be it a crime scene investigation. It can also be in a grave yard. At the end of  the day the object of thriller is to excite the viewer. So the conventions must do that. I hope you had a fun time hearing about conventions. Please stay tuned as I do more research on other genres. Attached is Power Point I did at the beginning of the year. That will give you all the conventions you need. 


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