
Showing posts from November, 2020

Music Video Storyboard Blog

 Que bola mi gente and welcome back to another blog. I am so happy to be back with all of you after a very long break. Each time I go on break I get socked with really long hours for work and never really get the opportunity to blog. So, I am going to take you step by step for my storyboard. Number one, I am going to do an establishing shot at my pool. Next, the title shot comes over with name of song and artist. My brother and other actors will begin to get out of the pool and begin to hear the beat of the song. Then actors begin getting drinks to turn it into a part like scence. Only because the song translates to Life is a party. Everyone begins to have a drink and winds down. Then big transition into my room where there are strobe lights. Actors noe begin to dance with one another. We thin will pan the camera around the scene. Next we need to being out a picture of the Cuban Flag and Celia Cruz and this will pay homage to their her  death. Last scence will be one more title eith th

Planning for My Music Video

 `Mi Gente Que Paso! Yes, I changed the greeting to something a bit warmer. I did that to meet the time we are in Thanksgiving. The air is crisp and the food id beginning  to arrive at my house. Also suddenly I am beginning to get a feeling of disgust with how much food I am going to eat. However, you didn't come to hear about all of that. You came to hear about the project. Well, my set is pretty undecided at this point. This is because I can not think of a set idea. I think I will most likely ending up using a pool side, the front of a car, or simply just a park. Everyone will wear some type of white shirt to give a very Miami Vice like vibe.  If the white shirt doesn't work out I plan on having all actors wear something flashy. This will really scream salsa. I also want the Cuban Flag to be front and center as the singer is  a Cuban woman. She too always wore very flashy clothes. This time I too plan on being in the video. So hopefully we have about 12 scenes. I plan on the

Research Blog: Music Video Conventions

 Que Vola Mi Gente! I am back with another blog. I hope your day was well and you spent a good time doing hard work. Now, this music video is going to be very hard to do. The dynamics are very different than those of our last video. Now I am sorry that I have not been making the due dates. I have been very busy trying to balance a work-study life.  No excuse. However, the basic step to salsa music videos isn't hard at all. Usually, it is pretty jovial people dancing in the background to a singer's voice. Singers rarely make appearances in their own videos but when they fo they try and dance too. Now outside of the one-two three-step. Salsa also called swing adapts its style from a variety of different musical styles. So by nature, you almost always see instruments like the trumpet, guitar, and various other tropical instruments in those videos. They are almost always in studios or on a beach somewhere really capturing that jovial aspect. The clothes are flashy and look like a m

Introduction to Music Video Project!

 Que Vola Mi Gente!! It's Raymond and what a week it has been.  Well, I am tasked with another project its time to create a viral music video. Woot Woot!! I am not working with anyone. However, my popular demand I will bring back my brothers as the video actors. I hope they are more energetic this time around. I honestly in the last few days have been very intentional in spreading and connecting to my culture. So, the song I am choosing is "La Vida es un Carnaval" by Celia Cruz. I am working by myself because the people who offered to work with me either lived too far or got partners way too soon.  I mean sometimes that is just the way the pendulum swings. Whichever way it goes I am prepared to work with enthusiasm to get this done. I plan to have a salsa music video. On where people are dancing and having fun. I have not put much thought behind that part yet. However, I will put more thought into it going forward, In the meantime here is a picture of one of my favorite f

Cafe Bustelo promo !!!


Reflection Blog

  Mi Gente Que Ai!!! Yes, I did change up the salutation this time. Wow-what a project. From the first blog to the storyboard all the way until its conclusion. This is probably one of the most fun school projects I have ever done! Reflecting back on this project I had so much fun incorporating my culture with a school project. Being a black Cuban sometimes can be an anomaly. This project however gave me an opportunity to debunk the fact it's not an anomaly.  Again the actors were brothers Raynard and Raymelle. I filmed and directed. Also made the cafe!! As I reflect on the intellectual aspect of the project.  I learned to use a new platform Imovie which was pretty easy to use. I also by myself navigated and executed the filming and directing of a Commerical. I also learned to import, drag, and arrange slides. Most importantly, I learned to input font that can go in and go out. This project came with many blogs but I was able to get them all done. 

Commercial Blog Finally!!! I get to share it with you all. Mi Gente Que Vola. I am so happy to be back for another week. Throughout the commercial, I inputted parts of my culture. From the way, coffee is usually made to the music incorporated, to the cafe cups imported from Cuba. I thought it was a superb commercial. Some general points of clarification. I used my brothers Raynard Adderly and Raymelle Adderly in some scenes. I also used music from various artists. To be specific "Se te Nota" and " El Hombre de Tu Vida" by Joe Veras. Also, I used "Aceite Agua( Soy Una Guagua)" by Los Confidenciales. It was so much fun from filming to editing. The best part about it all was I got to drink one of my favorite beverages a cafecito. I think the best part about the commercial was filming with my brothers. We shared so many laughs. If you watch the commercial you will see exactly what I am talking about. The goofiness that was reflected in the commer

Editing Blog

Mi Gente Que Vola!!! This part was pretty fun, to say the least. Playing around with the fonts to changing the way the scenes came in was truly a test of creativity. Well, first I used Imovie to edit. This platform was pretty easy to use. I selected the clips I wanted to use. I then put them in order of the scene. I did do 6 scenes. So the editing wasn't difficult. I first observed the platform way in which they ordered the commercial. I did not like it so I changed it around. I also decided to change up the transitions to a mix of wipe and slide for a variety. I then added a split font at the very end to reinforce the product I am advertising. I then watched over and over the edits until I was satisfied with the final product. Before downloading, I asked peers what they thought about the edit. They all said it was really good. I then had the confidence to download and submit.  


 Que Vola mi Gente!!!! I am back and let me just tell you filming was a blast! I was successfully able to film in a few takes. I had to retake the entire shot when I forgot I had to film horizontally. However, I went step by step according to the storyboard. First, I ensured my sets were clean and clear. So, for the kitchen, I made sure that the oil was no longer on the stove and the counter was clear. I did this so the shot was clear and the audience could only focus on the cafetera and coffee. Next, I took the shot of the coffee being prepared. I also ensured to show the audience how the coffee is before it turns into liquid. I then attempted to do a jump shot from the preparation to the product. Then I showed the cafe being boiled from the water chamber and it was a beautiful shot. I then zoomed into the steaming milk and it went into the next scene. Here I utilized my brothers and they were not the best actors but they pretended to be sluggish the scene was accompanied by a really